Weight loss and well-being

Dr. Francesca Valdemarin
Registered Nutritionist
  • BSc in Food Science and Technology
  • BSc in Food Science and Human Nutrition
  • Master's level I in Nutrition, Fasting, Longevity and Disease
  • BSc in Naturopathy and Nutraceuticals
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Body weight and well-being are closely correlated.

Weight loss and well-being are closely related. Often, priority is given to weight loss; however, if we feel good, weight loss occurs more easily and quickly. A personalized diet allows us to address both fronts.

Losing weight becomes a priority when it is correlated with our health and well-being. Once the body is rebalanced from within, a visible and aesthetically pleasing weight loss becomes easy and rapid. A personalized diet allows us to address both fronts.

Weight loss not only affects physical appearance but also has a significant impact on overall well-being. Here's how weight loss can improve various aspects of health and well-being:

No cutting of carbohydrates
No hunger
Best supplements advice
7 days based diet

Physical health

Reduced risk of chronic diseases
Losing weight can decrease the risk of developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and some forms of cancer.

Improved joint health
Excess body weight puts pressure on the joints, especially on the knees and hips. Losing weight reduces this pressure, decreasing the risk of osteoarthritis and improving mobility.

Blood sugar regulation
A balanced diet and weight loss help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of diabetes.

Reduction of sleep apnea
Weight loss can improve sleep quality, reducing or eliminating sleep apnea.

Improved heart function
Losing weight reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improving heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Mental and emotional health

Increased self-esteem and confidence
Weight loss can improve body image and self-confidence, leading to greater personal satisfaction.

Reduction of anxiety and depression symptoms
Studies have shown that weight loss can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving mental well-being.

Greater energy and vitality
Weight loss is often associated with increased energy levels, allowing individuals to tackle daily activities with greater enthusiasm.

Improvement in sleep quality
Losing weight can improve sleep quality, leading to deeper and more restful sleep.

Social and relational health

Improved interpersonal relationships
Feeling better about oneself can lead to improved relationships with others, fostering greater social engagement and more satisfying relationships.

Increased participation in social activities
Increased energy and self-esteem can encourage participation in social events and physical activities, enhancing overall quality of life.

Long-term health

Increased longevity
Maintaining a healthy weight is associated with a longer life expectancy, as it reduces the risk of many chronic diseases.

Development of healthy habits
Weight loss through a balanced diet and exercise helps establish healthy habits that can be maintained in the long term, improving overall well-being.

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