About me: Francesca

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I am Francesca Valdemarin, Registered Nutritionist. I am dedicated to the well-being of people. Feeling good through nutrition. Actually, feeling great, both on the outside and especially on the inside!

  • Degree in Food Science and Technology.
  • Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition.
  • First Level Master's in Nutrition, Fasting, Longevity, and Disease.
  • Degree in Naturopathy and Nutraceuticals.

Choose your health

Sometimes we are overworked, and our body sends us signals that can vary in nature: headaches, abdominal bloating, fat deposits, and even illnesses.

How to interpret them?

Can we improve our behavior? Consciously, it will be easy to learn to interpret the signals our body sends us through symptoms, correct them, and, through food, return to a splendid condition of inner and naturally aesthetic well-being.

I am passionate about studying and continue to immerse myself in the subject over and over again, and thanks to the personal experiences of my patients, new reflections and thoughts always arise. The journey will be tailored and dedicated, both in person and remotely, created specifically for you and your needs.

I am available and happy to collaborate with professionals who may already be part of your team (doctors, trainers, beauty centers, and so on.). I believe in the synergy between professionalism and competence, all to optimize the best results for you.

Healthy living is not a bad diet

How often do we feel heavy after eating? Or feel drowsy after lunch? Eating well means allowing the body to be nourished and light, full of energy and strength. Food is our fuel and is essential for well-being and quality of life.

My vision

When they asked Michelangelo "How did you make David?", he replied "It was very simple: David was already there. All you had to do was remove the excess marble".

– Michelangelo Buonarroti

My mission

My mission is your permanent well-being, balance of body and mind, the synergy between disciplines that allows us to achieve excellence.

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